Monday, January 01, 2024


First of all - Happy New Year.

This is my first entry for this year. -And hopefully a new beginning here on this blog.

I welcome new readers and hope you’ll connect and continue to follow along.

I will start with a revision of my artistic journey so far.

During my formal years I did a lot of croquis drawing, which I really loved, some still-life and classical training, like drawings of different sculptures, which all in all was a great foundation.

When I started to paint again years later, I was more drawn to abstract, because I just had this urge to let go and express myself again.

-And for a long time now, I have been obsessed with abstract painting, because it has the ability to transform, if you give it a chance and take your time to wonder and reflect. It leaves plenty of room for different levels of interpretations.

But for some time now, I have had the intention to try to make something realistic once again. One style of painting should not exclude another one, I think.

Subjects matter too! -I wanted to combine and stage different subjects, that I am attracted to. I chose to follow my instincts and focus on parts of the male torso combined with exotic flowers.

I just didn't want to paint a portrait or a landscape. To challenge myself, I wanted to do it in oils, which I am not used to work with like that. It took a lot of preparations and patience.

These two paintings are the result. They are quite big, 120 x 150 cm each.  I really enjoyed the process and I will probably do more like this in the future.

After this, I am going back to abstract again. But I already have new ideas for other realistic paintings on my mind.

If you like what you see here on my blog, I invite you to follow along. You will get inside news once in a while about what is going on in my studio and you will be the first to read about new paintings, special events and visits.

I’m excited to see where my Art journey will bring me next.

If you have any questions or are looking for original  piece of abstract art, feel free to contact me. I am also open for studio visits; just notify me in advance. Thank you for your interest!

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