Wednesday, December 05, 2018


-But not the only one. There are other ways. -That was my imediate reaction, after watching the mini-series The Fashion Fund on Netflix.

I couldn't believe my own ears, when they claimed: - "If you haven't got a fashion show, you're not serious/ -or the real deal".
Come on! - To me that statement sounded very limited and close minded. There is always a way!

It may come as a surprise, but not everyone wants to become a big name or global brand, but would be perfectly happy doing their thing and make a decent living out of that.

You see, being independent and make a good living, are actually quite satisfactory for more people, than you think.
Unfortunately the big names are getting all the attention. but if you take a closer look, there is a lot of creativity going on, on different levels.

Instead of taking hope/dreams away from people, even before they start, a more diverse fashion-program with different levels, where you can choose to go ahead or not, would be a better way of doing this, I think. -And it may even attract more interest.

-Any thoughts ?

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