Friday, August 12, 2011


In 2002, I was co-organizer of and participant in a Wedding Fair that took place at the Odd fellow Mansion in Odense, Denmark.
We wanted to do a small and intimate Wedding Fair as an alternative to the big ones, where you often get lost.

In connection with that, I needed some studio-photos of my dresses. Luckily one of the participating photographers offered me to take some photos at her studio, because she needed pictures like that, a win win-situation.

-And my dear friend, Trine from Copenhagen, who worked as a model once, agreed to pose. Which she did quite good, as you can see in these photos.

Design: John Frantsen, Model: Trine Bolander
Photos: Karen Relster

Do I need to say, the Wedding Fair turned out to be a success. A one-of-a-kind experience, but a nice one.

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