Saturday, October 02, 2010


Audrey Hepburn (1929-93)
Fashion's fascinating Squares 1940-1990, is a surprisingly nice exhibition that's just opened at Tidens Samling here in Odense.

The Scarf has become an accessory we all love today.
These decorative squares are seen here in the face of fashion, either as the dot over the "I", practical clothing or home brought souvenirs.

The exhibition is on display until the 5. of march 2011. Go and have a look!

1 comment:

Anja said...

Kom forbi efter at have set din blog på Karen Klarbæks, den ser spændende ud. 1000 tak for tippet om tørklæde-udstillingen! Den vil jeg besøge næste gang turen går til Odense.