Friday, September 27, 2024

ENSEMBLE - An online Exhibition

MUSÉE Des créatrices et créateur - 7e EXPO, was an Online Art Exhibition for Lanaudiére Artists, that I participated in during the Pandemic, after moving to Berthierville in 2020. It was a very welcome initiative.



My paintings are about 6 min. in, in the video on YOUTube

Leave your comment below and let me know what you think about it? I'm curious, if any of you out there have had any experience with Online exhibitons? 

Inquries and questions are welcome. I am always open for collaborations. See you next time.

Monday, September 23, 2024


This year marks our 25th anniversary, since our class of 1999 graduated from Håndarbejdsseminariet / The College of Arts and craft in Odense, Denmark. See my previous post here.

Teachers and fellow students.

For me personally I was persuing my dream of becoming an independent designer, creating made-to-measure garments.

During those years, we went through the process from idea to finished product through different projects. 

It was three exciting and challenging years filled with studies of cultural lessons, studying various subjects, creative projects, pedagogy- and teaching theories, internships, study trips to Florence and London and yearly fashion shows. Good memories!

Previously I had been a teachers assistent at INDesign in Copenhagen and I really liked that. So for me it was perfect combination of subjects. See previous post here.

After graduation, I persued my dream and opened my own shop, after a very short internship in London.

I loved those years in Overgade 38, where customers would come in and order something special. During that time, I also had quite a few apprentices, to pass on my knowledge. 

Three years on, I moved my business home to Jernbanegade and later to Kongensgade. Until I finally closed down, before moving to Canada in 2015.

 -And what happened next, you can read about in my previous posts here on my blog.

There is a few links in bold letters in this post. 

Comment and let me know what you think and tell me what you remember about that time. -And what came after.


Monday, July 15, 2024


A blog post long overdue, caused by frustration of the so called SOCIAL MEDIA.

It looks like Ai and the Algorithms are out of control and have taken over our lifes. No wonder why the world is going crazy these days.

The big TECH companies might have had good intentions to start with. But then they saw the potential, they forgot their intentions and got greedy. . . And never looked back.

 If you haven't seen this documentary, you should.

For them, the Investors and shareholders are more important then the actual users. They seem to forget that without the users aka all of us, they would not survive.

But the effects of the Algorithms and Ai are now starting to show everywhere. 

-Recent studies has shown it is having a detrimental effect on especially children and young peoples health. Luckily some people and countries are starting to realize that. -And are taking action!

The Technology that connect us also controls us, manipulates us, polarizes us, distracts us, monetizes us and divide us.                                                                                                         

 -Even adults are affected without realizing it: The Algorithms are noticing all what you do, like and look at ONLINE. -And they just give you more and more of the same, good or bad. 

The hate and polarization is especially pronounced in the USA, where if you look at conspiracies f.ex., the Algoritms just keep feeding you more and more of the same. Without even realizing it, you are suddenly brainwashed and ended up in a Rabithole.

Google, META, Apple and even LinkedIN are all so eager to make our life easier, apparently. But the more they rely on Algorithms, the more automated everything becomes, the easier it gets for them and the more money the can make.

Even streaming companies like Netflix is using the algorithms. . . They want to know what you like - Thumbs up or down or no interest -so they can give you more of the same or not.

It might be very convenient for some people, but I find it so annoying! I want to be able to choose from all the content and not only from what movies the Algorithm think I might like. It is very limiting, almost controlling.

I looks like progress for progress' own sake is more important, then to find out if it will benefit or not. I don't think growt is the answer to everything - especially in the Western world. We need to find better solutions and consolidate instead.  

I am just wondering where it all will end, if we let these Companies do what ever the like. I think we all need to unite and hold these Companies accountable and responsable. 

Am I the only one who cares about this issue?

If you care about the future, you have to speak up and get involved. YOU can not just sit back, taking everything for granted, if you want things to change for the better - you have to voice your concern or do something.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


Finally this series of five small abstract square paintings are done. They took quite some time, because they were resting in between multiple layers of acrylic paint were added.

It is always a good idea to do that, because your perspective might change and you see them differently.

They were all imagined and inspired by our magical universe, hence the title. For me personally, painting like that, is escaping daily life for a brief moment of time. 

There is no right or wrong way to look at them. They leave plenty of room for different levels of interpretation and are just meant to make you wonder and reflect. 

 If you take your time and immerse yourself for a moment, you might also be transported somewhere else.

Above & beyond, by John F. Clément 2024

So, why don't you take your time next time you encounter some abstract Art. You will get surprised about what Art actually can do. That is the beauty of it.

Comment below and let me know what you think.

See you soon on a more serious subject. Stay tuned!

Friday, April 05, 2024


A post about a past Exhibition, before the internet. Luckily I took some photos to document it.

See my RESUME for more context.

CONCERN was the title of this installation I did in 1995 at Galleri Projekt in Copenhagen, where I lived at the time. 

After participating in some group shows at the Gallery, I was given this opportunity by my late artist friend, Ann Susan, who was the owner.

The Gallery was a place for both established and emerging artists. 

As an artist herself, Ann Susan were primarily a proponent of installations and experimental art that would use the whole space optimally. She was never afraid of giving newcomers a chance.

My concept for this installation, was to create Artworks out of scraps; giving it a new lease of life by staging it and putting it into perspective, to make visitors think about consumption and waste.

Here a series of found scrap mounted on some brass boxes, giving it a new lease of life.

From a previous group exhibition, two big metal reliefs mounted on heavy wood frames, were created as symbolic crosses.


 A sculpture put together of found scraps, also symbolizing a cross.

The Gallery unfortunately closed a few years ago, due to both Ann Susan and her husband Claes's retirement and she passed away in 2023.

Comment if you have some memories or have had interaction or with the Gallery.

I also posted about this event on Instagram. Take a look HERE.